Reliabile, Certified, Country-Wide

Sunlight Electrical Solutions are Zambian-based experts with international (UK) certification. We are specialists in solar energy, storage, electric charging points, domestic, industrial and public electrical installations

Generating your power on-site makes your property more self-sufficient and, coupled with a storage system, can negate load-shedding and reduce your energy bills.

Selecting all the right components for your solar system can be a significant challenge. Sunlight Electrical is here to help with the right combinations, rooted in experience. The number of different manufacturers can be overwhelming, and choosing the right set up is important for your pocket and power needs. Like any other cutting-edge technology, things in solar can change very fast. Sunlight will keep on top of this for you.

Sunlight Electrical Services puts safety first, always, and will source the equipment and maintenance necessary to fulfill this priority.

Please browse some of our works below and get in touch for an assessment of your industrial, public or commercial installation requirements. 


Solar Installation

We offer top-notch solar panel installations to harness the power of the sun

Inspections & Tests

Our thorough inspections and testing ensure your electrical systems are safe

Safety Reports

Get comprehensive safety reports to comply with regulations and ensure safety

CCTV & Alarms

Secure your premises with our reliable CCTV and alarm system installations.


Our skilled electricians handle all rewiring and repair needs with precision

Rewire & Repairs

Enhance your space with our expert lighting design and installation services

Clients Making The Move

Why Work With Us?

Safety First, Always

International standards, certifications and quality equipment accompany any Sunlight installation.

Bring On Reliability

Bring reliability to your workshop or service with backup power solutions, solar energy, and consistent hours.

A Sure Investment

Investments are seldom as certain to pay dividends into the future as your robust, redundant power installation.

CONTACT Sunlight

+260 771 701 979